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Restaurants in Amsterdam @en @en

When you google “nice restaurants in Amsterdam”, you will find plenty of them . Amsterdam has at least 985 restaurants! That’s a lot right?


Places we know have made a selection of the most nicest and best restaurants in Amsterdam. From unique and contemporary, to hip and happening. No standard bistros with a poor menu or a super fancy restaurant where you pay tons of money and get nothing to eat.

Below you will find a list of the best restaurant recommendations in Amsterdam. Look through every restaurant for the opening hours and contact information.


Besides nice restaurants, Amsterdam also offers plenty of opportunities to have breakfast and lunch. This can be in the hotel where you are staying or all the other common places, but Amsterdam has much more to offer. Unique places where you can enjoy simple sandwiches or special lunches and breakfast with that little extra.

Restaurant Baut in Amsterdam

Some time ago the Volkskrant and Trouw building transformed into nice restaurants in the Wibautstraat. Baut is located in the former Parool Building. The closing date had already …

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Restaurant Proef in Amsterdam

In 2004 opende restaurant Proef haar deuren in Rotterdam. Een bijzonder restaurant bedacht door food designer Marije Vogelzang met een uniek concept in een superleuke setting. Puur en …

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